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yumAn Introduction to My Brain

People sometimes call me intense. I wonder why.

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four thousand weeks
Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman

A hard book for me to review because it's undoubtedly one of my most formative, examining our (complicated) relationship with limited time and choice.

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tkThe Octopus Poem I Love So Much

An excerpt from 'Instructions for Traveling West' by Joy Sullivan.

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consider the lobsterConsider the Lobster by David Foster Wallace

Difficult to get into—the man is a bigger overthinker than I am—but so rewarding. DFW can pierce the veil.

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tkThe Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

A rainy day read (literally, in my case) that I enjoyed much, much more than I expected to, steeped in global intrigue and rich artistic symbolism.

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missing pieceThe February Scrapbook—A Living Document

Quotes I've encountered in February that I'm loving—continually updated and curated.

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